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Nations offers a complete line of appraisal services on a nationwide basis. Today, Nations has branches throughout the US, offering local expertise on a national level. Nations provides services to the largest financial institutions, as well as to homeowners directly. Nations offers solutions to over a thousand (1000+) local & national banks, real estate agencies, credit unions, and mortgage companies.
Nations Valuation Services (NVS) would like to introduce NVS’ newest development, NATIONSLINK. With the constantly evolving marketplace, NVS understood the importance of receiving fast, inexpensive and compliant appraisals.
NATIONSLINK is a proprietary desktop appraisal product with a hands-on third party inspection that can be used for numerous lending and servicing scenarios including portfolio lending, home equity, default, securitizations, and servicing QC.
Fast, efficient and reliable, NATIONSLINK gives a lender or servicer the option to have either an exterior inspection only, or both an interior/exterior inspection. Whichever you decide, a USPAP & IAG Compliant Desktop Appraisal Report will be included.
Print FlyerAdvantages of NATIONSLINK
Replaces the login delays and expense of a traditional field appraisal with a 3-day turn time on a regulatory desktop appraisal. -
Reduces valuation risk with an appraiser's value opinion supported by either an exterior or interior third party physical inspection.
Real time local MLS, public records, and local market trends data are only some of the recognized methods and technology that will be used in the reliable analysis.
Meets IAG & USPAP requirements for a low risk independent valuation analysis that is more accurate and meaningful than AVMs or BPOs.
Appraisal reports are completed by professional staff and experienced NVS Panel.
NATIONSLINK LITE is a proprietary Desktop Appraisal Report that incorporates a Third Party inspection. This Appraisal is a USPAP compliant restricted Report that incorporates a Sales Comparison Approach.
NATIONSLINK LITE is similar to the NATIONSLINK product, except without a Sales Comparison Grid.
With a bifurcated appraisal process, this Appraisal relies on a detailed third party inspection with research & analysis by the Licensed Appraiser to develop of a credible value.
This simple & compliant appraisal report is much quicker to get done, and a great cost savings as compared to traditional appraisals.
USPAP Compliance
NATIONSLINK LITE contains all the necessary reporting requirements of USPAP and develops a credible value opinion based upon the necessary scope of work.
- Scope of Work: The appraiser does not make a physical inspection of the property and relies on a third party inspection. The appraisers provide the necessary research/ analysis & approach to develop a credible single point opinion of Market Value.
Recognized Methods and Techniques: The appraiser employs the Sales Comparison Approach to
develop an opinion of Market Value without creating a complicated GRID.
- Allows the inclusion of up to 6 comparable sales and/ or listings.
- Qualitative analysis to comparatively reconcile the sales/ listings.
- Mathematical weighting to assist in value reconciliation.
- Comparable sales are weighted based on: location; date of sale; site size; GLA; condition and utility.
- Market Value: NATIONSLINK LITE provides an As Is Opinion of Market Value.

Conventional / Standard Appraisals
Full Condominium or PUD Report-1073
Form is designed for full condominium or PUD reports. A full interior and exterior inspection of the subject is completed.
Uniform Residential Appraisal Report (URAR)-1004
Form is designed for appraising single family residences, FHA's, and PUD. A full internal and external inspection is completed.
Manufactured Home Appraisal- 1004c
This form is specific to appraise manufactured/mobile/modular homes. A full internal and external inspection is completed.
FHA Full Appraisals
Form is designed to be more detailed than your standard appraisal and to be used for an FHA Loan. A full internal and external inspection is completed.
Print Flyer
Alternative Appraisals
Nations Comp Locator Plus (NCL+)
An automated report that provides sales comparison data for your subject property. Compilation of several proprietary Data Sources not available to public.
Automated Valuation Model (AVM)
Forms are statistically-based computer programs that use real estate information such as comparable sales, property characteristics, tax assessments, and price. Several enhanced versions are now available for major metropolitan areas.
1075- Exterior Only
Form is designed for drive-by inspections on condominium properties. An exterior inspection only is performed.
2055- Exterior Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report
Form is designed for single-family residences or single-family residences with a guest unit. An exterior inspection only.
2070 - Condition and Marketability Report (FHLMC)
Form is used to determine the condition and marketability of the subject with no final determination of value. Interior only.
Standard Interior/Exterior BPO's
Forms standard contents based upon whether or not an Interior Inspection version was requested.
Fannie Mae Interior/Exterior BPO's
Forms available as Interior/Exterior or the Standard Interior form. The two page version bases its value on an exterior and interior inspection.
Fannie Mae Plus Interior/Exterior BPO's
Form is more detailed, this two page form basis its value on versions that have an interior inspection included or an exterior inspection only.
Freddie Mac Interior/Exterior BPO's
Forms available as Interior/Exterior or the Standard Interior form. The two page version bases its value on an exterior and interior inspection.
Hybrid Appraisal & Title Rent & Hold Products Manufactured Home Services Reverse Mortgages
Appraisal Reviews
Nations offers a complete line of review appraisal products, from desk reviews to RMV's, to the largest customers in the country for over 20 years, including ...
Reconciled Market Value (RMV)
A licensed appraiser reviews the comparables and adjustments on an appraisal to try and determine how much the property would sell for.
2000 - Appraisal Field Review
Form is designed to spot-check appraisal component of its quality control process. A field review report gives the lender/client an opinion on the accuracy of the appraisal report under review.
2006 - Appraisal Desk Review
Form is designed to provide an opinion of market Value for a residential property based on a "desktop" review of an appraisal. No inspections are performed as research, analysis, and conclusions are derived by the reviewer.
2000a - Two-Four Unit Appraisal Field Review Report
Form is designed to spot-check appraisal component of its quality control process. A field review report gives the lender/client an opinion on the accuracy of the appraisal report under review.

Loan Servicing
REO & Distressed Loan Appraisal
Nations understands the needs of clients who order appraisals for pre-foreclosure, foreclosure, or post-foreclosure scenarios,
all the way until sale of the property as REO.
1004 - REO/Foreclosure (Listings and Repairs)
Form is designed for appraising single family residences, FHA's, and PUD. A full internal and external inspection is completed.
1004d - Appraisal Update and/or Completion Report
A new form that replaces the 442 Final Inspections and the Update of Value form. This form is used for either purpose.
Automated Valuation Model (AVM)
Forms are statistically-based computer programs that use real estate information such as comparable sales, property characteristics, tax assessments, and price. Several enhanced versions are now available for major metropolitan areas.
Standard Interior/Exterior BPO's
Forms standard contents based upon whether or not an Interior Inspection version was requested.
2055- Exterior Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report
Form is designed for single-family residences or single-family residences with a guest unit. An exterior inspection only.
2070 - Condition and Marketability Report (FHLMC)
Form is used to determine the condition and marketability of the subject with no final determination of value. Interior only.